The amount transferred to the claimants this year5 165 247

Claimant’s application for termination of enforcement proceedings before satisfaction of the claim

Ühinenud Kohtutäiturid
Today's date
Enforcement case number


First and last name or Company name
Personal identification code or Registry code
Telephone number


First and last name or Company nam
Personal identification code or Registry code

I hereby submit a request to terminate the enforcement proceedings before the claim has been fully collected, and in accordance with the provisions of § 43 (1) point 1 of the Code of Enforcement Procedures, I request the enforcement agent to terminate the enforcement proceedings initiated against the debtor.

I am aware that pursuant to Section 41(2) of the Enforcement Agents Act, I am obliged to pay the enforcement agent the fee for starting the procedure and half of the basic fee of the procedure, calculated from the uncollected amount. Please forward the enforcement agent's fee decision to the claimant's e-mail address.

Documents attached to the application:

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