The amount transferred to the claimants this year5 161 494

Application for enforcement

Ühinenud Kohtutäiturid
Today's date


First and last name or Company name
Personal identification code or Registry code
Telephone number
Account number
Bank`s name

Does the claimant have a representative:


First and last name or Company name
Personal identification code or Registry code
Telephone number

Does debtor have a representative:

Please start enforcement procedure the following enforcement title on the basis of § 2 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure:

Name of the institution that made the decision
Date of decision
Name of enforcement title
Number of enforcement title
Content of the claim

Is the claim periodic (for example, maintenance claim):

Is there a late fee added to the claim:

I would like the enforcement agent to transfer the claim to the debtor's property:

Property belonging to debtor:


  • The enforcement title must be attached to the enforcement application.
  • If you submit an application electronically, the document must be signed digitally.
  • Please immediately notify the enforcement agent of any changes in the applicant's data. The enforcement agent is not responsible for misunderstandings caused by non-notification.

Documents attached to the application:

Drag&Drop file here


Maximum upload size 100 MB

    I confirm that the information provided is correct.*