The amount transferred to the claimants this year5 476 435

Submitting an application to the enforcement agent

Ühinenud Kohtutäiturid
Today's date
Enforcement case number

I confirm that I have received the enforcement notice


I would like to submit an application to the enforcement agent:

Payment schedule application
Please enable the user limit in the following bank:
Refund income against which claim for payment cannot be made
List of assets
Application for terminating the proceedings on account of expiry of the limitation period
Property selling under the supervision of the enforcement agent
Other application


First and last name/Company name
Personal identification number/Registry code
Residential address/Business address
Phone number

Refund income against whitch claim for payment cannot be made

Please refund the non-attachable earnings to my current account:

Bank account number
Bank name
Amount requested for refund

I would like to add information about the dependent(s):

Additional information

If you wish to add additional information to the application, please write the text in this box.


  • For the last 3 (three) months bank account statements must be attached to the application.
  • The application must be submitted to the enforcement agent 3 (three) working days within from the working day following receipt of the amount in enforcement agents account.
  • However, if you submit an application for the refund of the sickness benefit paid by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, you will have to add an additionally
  • Proof of the length of the period of sickness, which is available on page.
  • Employer's payments made during the period.
  • All documents must be submitted within 3 working days from the working day following the receipt of the withheld amount in the enforcemet agent`s account. Late applications will not be accepted!

Documents attached to the application:

Drag&Drop file here


Maximum upload size 100 MB

    I am aware of the debtor's rights and obligations.*
    I confirm that the information provided is correct.*
    I agree that documents requiring delivery will be forwarded to me at the above postal/email address without acknowledgment of receipt. I am aware that documents are considered received three days after they are sent.*
    I confirm that the data provided by me may be processed by the employees of the enforcement agent's office.*