The amount transferred to the claimants this year5 540 963

Nonseizeble income

A enforcement agent may not seize income if it does not exceed the amount of the minimum wage prescribed for one month or the corresponding part of the weekly or daily income.

Where earnings exceed the non-attachable amount, up to two thirds of an amount equivalent to five times the minimum salary, and the total of earnings exceeding that amount, may be attached, provided the amount to be attached does not exceed two thirds of the total earnings.

If, by law, you have dependant, the non-custodial amount for each dependant will increase by one-third of the minimum wage in one month. The above circumstance does not apply if there is a child maintenance claim in the enforcement of a enforcement agent.

A list of income that a enforcement agent may not seize you can found in the section FAQ.

You can fill application to use a income against which claim for payment cannot be made FAQ.

